Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Is it hockey season yet?!
Sofia wore another Kings outfit today (this one courtesy of the Elliotts!) We went out to lunch with Nelson at Islands and met some of his co-workers, one of whom seemed to be a Ducks fan - until now!

Sunday, June 28, 2009
Puppy Love
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Ruff Ruff, our new friend
This week I bought this toy for Sofia - its a little stuffed dog that you squeeze and he barks twice. She is fascinated by him. She just stares at him, like "What is that?" Hopefully not a precursor to her wanting a puppy when she gets older :)
Today for the first time that I really noticed, she actually reached for and grabbed a toy and it was "Ruff Ruff" (yes I'm that unoriginal!)
Here she is with RR and even holding him (pix by Auntie Marsha)

Today for the first time that I really noticed, she actually reached for and grabbed a toy and it was "Ruff Ruff" (yes I'm that unoriginal!)
Here she is with RR and even holding him (pix by Auntie Marsha)

Thursday, June 25, 2009
Mom's Club Picnic
Today in lieu of our regular mom's club class (since it was cancelled that day) I met up with the moms and babies for a picnic at a park in Studio City. All of the babies were chillin' on blankets while we talked and ate. It's very cool because all of the babies are really close in age, most within a week of Sofia. It is a really nice group of ladies and we usually grab lunch after class. I'm hoping that when the 10 week class is over we can stay in touch!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Who's THAT Baby?
Today during tummy time, I put up a mirror so Sofia could check herself out!
In my update on all things Sofi yesterday, I left out her sleeping patterns. She has been waking up once a night for about the past 4 weeks or so. We'll put her to bed between 9 pm and 10 pm depending on what time her last feeding is, and she will sleep until usually somewhere between 4 am and 7am. Then I will feed her and she will sleep again until about 9-10 am. After her 9am-ish feeding she will usually nap again until 11am (sometimes noon!) if we don't have somewhere to go. In other words, she is like her dad, a night owl who likes to sleep half the day! :) Which means that mommy is getting a lot of sleep but Daddy still has to get up at 5:30 on work days. He did get to sleep til noon with Sofi last weekend though!
In my update on all things Sofi yesterday, I left out her sleeping patterns. She has been waking up once a night for about the past 4 weeks or so. We'll put her to bed between 9 pm and 10 pm depending on what time her last feeding is, and she will sleep until usually somewhere between 4 am and 7am. Then I will feed her and she will sleep again until about 9-10 am. After her 9am-ish feeding she will usually nap again until 11am (sometimes noon!) if we don't have somewhere to go. In other words, she is like her dad, a night owl who likes to sleep half the day! :) Which means that mommy is getting a lot of sleep but Daddy still has to get up at 5:30 on work days. He did get to sleep til noon with Sofi last weekend though!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
What Sofi is Up To
It occurred to me that most of my posts are pictures and not a lot of info, so I wanted to send a update on how Sofia is doing and progressing (as much to share with everyone as to put these things in writing before I forget!)
Sofia at 11 weeks:
She's very smiley now and occasionally laughs too. As posted below Nelson makes her smile like no one else! And she in turn makes him smile and laugh just by being her cute self.
In the past 2 weeks she has started to drool, not a ton but a little, and she likes to blow spit bubbles with her drool. No other signs of teething yet though - still could be a while. We have been pretty spoiled with zero drool and rare spit ups up to this point, and never really had to have burp cloths handy, but now we do mostly for the drool!
She will hold onto a toy or rattle if I put it in her hand. She doesn't quite know what to do with it at that point though! She seems to like toys that make sound - she likes it when I turn on her mobile and today I got her a seahorse that lights up and plays music which she likes, and a doggy that when you squeeze it, it barks, she seemed fascinated by that. She likes to look at the toys that hang from her car seat handle, but hasn't made any attempt to grab them yet.
She has very strong legs and likes to stand on your lap if you hold her hands. (She has been doing this since she was just a couple weeks old)
She is almost there with holding her head up, I would say she has 90% head control. She can sit in her Bumbo but after a little while she slumps a little bit so we don't sit in there too long.
When she is mad she likes to grab my hair and sometimes head butt me :) The latter is mostly attributed to the occasional loss of head control, I'm sure she doesn't do it on purpose or know that's a WWE move :) I know I shouldn't laugh when she's mad but she has the best grumpy face so I can't help it.
Today we did "baby sit-ups" which we do every day (I put my forearms under her body and my hands under her head while she is lying and help her sit up) but today after we did one she tried to sit up herself without my help, and lifted her head a few inches.
She definitely knows who Nelson and I are and is most happy when one of us is holding her, but she is getting much better at going to other family members and friends without too much of a fuss. She recognizes our voices which is great for the car because I can talk to her from the front seat if she is fussy and that seems to make her calm down.
She likes to be in an upright position more and more, I think because she can focus on things now, she likes to look around more. She will follow me with her eyes if I'm walking around or if I go in or out of the room that she in.
We were planning to try to wean her from the pacifier around 3 months, she seems to be taking it less and less on her own now, so maybe it won't be as bad as we thought.
We have been swaddling her at night because she flails her arms and wakes herself up, and rubs her face and irritates her skin, but she has gotten slicker about getting out of the swaddle. The other night she got both arms completely out, it looked like she was wearing a tube dress! I figured since she had her arms out all night anyway, we should try to put her to sleep without a swaddle and see how she does. We did that last night and she slept fine. So her swaddle days may be over. She always hated it anyway!
We weighed her yesterday and she is about 15 1/2 pounds now! There are a few 3-6 months outfits that are already tight on her, but I call BS on those because the makers of those clothes made them too small!!
All babies are different and progress at different rates, but we're really glad that she is so healthy and happy!
Sofia at 11 weeks:
She's very smiley now and occasionally laughs too. As posted below Nelson makes her smile like no one else! And she in turn makes him smile and laugh just by being her cute self.
In the past 2 weeks she has started to drool, not a ton but a little, and she likes to blow spit bubbles with her drool. No other signs of teething yet though - still could be a while. We have been pretty spoiled with zero drool and rare spit ups up to this point, and never really had to have burp cloths handy, but now we do mostly for the drool!
She will hold onto a toy or rattle if I put it in her hand. She doesn't quite know what to do with it at that point though! She seems to like toys that make sound - she likes it when I turn on her mobile and today I got her a seahorse that lights up and plays music which she likes, and a doggy that when you squeeze it, it barks, she seemed fascinated by that. She likes to look at the toys that hang from her car seat handle, but hasn't made any attempt to grab them yet.
She has very strong legs and likes to stand on your lap if you hold her hands. (She has been doing this since she was just a couple weeks old)
She is almost there with holding her head up, I would say she has 90% head control. She can sit in her Bumbo but after a little while she slumps a little bit so we don't sit in there too long.
When she is mad she likes to grab my hair and sometimes head butt me :) The latter is mostly attributed to the occasional loss of head control, I'm sure she doesn't do it on purpose or know that's a WWE move :) I know I shouldn't laugh when she's mad but she has the best grumpy face so I can't help it.
Today we did "baby sit-ups" which we do every day (I put my forearms under her body and my hands under her head while she is lying and help her sit up) but today after we did one she tried to sit up herself without my help, and lifted her head a few inches.
She definitely knows who Nelson and I are and is most happy when one of us is holding her, but she is getting much better at going to other family members and friends without too much of a fuss. She recognizes our voices which is great for the car because I can talk to her from the front seat if she is fussy and that seems to make her calm down.
She likes to be in an upright position more and more, I think because she can focus on things now, she likes to look around more. She will follow me with her eyes if I'm walking around or if I go in or out of the room that she in.
We were planning to try to wean her from the pacifier around 3 months, she seems to be taking it less and less on her own now, so maybe it won't be as bad as we thought.
We have been swaddling her at night because she flails her arms and wakes herself up, and rubs her face and irritates her skin, but she has gotten slicker about getting out of the swaddle. The other night she got both arms completely out, it looked like she was wearing a tube dress! I figured since she had her arms out all night anyway, we should try to put her to sleep without a swaddle and see how she does. We did that last night and she slept fine. So her swaddle days may be over. She always hated it anyway!
We weighed her yesterday and she is about 15 1/2 pounds now! There are a few 3-6 months outfits that are already tight on her, but I call BS on those because the makers of those clothes made them too small!!
All babies are different and progress at different rates, but we're really glad that she is so healthy and happy!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sofia is 11 weeks old today!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Today is our anniversary!
Hooray for 4 great years and marriage (9 total together) and we both agree the best thing we ever did together or for each other is bringing Sofia into the world. We are going to celebrate with a date night at Arnie Morton's steakhouse tomorrow night.
Here's our little angel rockin' the jean skirt. Have we mentioned lately how cute we think she is?!

Here's our little angel rockin' the jean skirt. Have we mentioned lately how cute we think she is?!
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