Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Who's THAT Baby?

Today during tummy time, I put up a mirror so Sofia could check herself out!

In my update on all things Sofi yesterday, I left out her sleeping patterns. She has been waking up once a night for about the past 4 weeks or so. We'll put her to bed between 9 pm and 10 pm depending on what time her last feeding is, and she will sleep until usually somewhere between 4 am and 7am. Then I will feed her and she will sleep again until about 9-10 am. After her 9am-ish feeding she will usually nap again until 11am (sometimes noon!) if we don't have somewhere to go. In other words, she is like her dad, a night owl who likes to sleep half the day! :) Which means that mommy is getting a lot of sleep but Daddy still has to get up at 5:30 on work days. He did get to sleep til noon with Sofi last weekend though!

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