Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve

Daycare was closed so we had a fun day of events! We had a playdate with Max and Ben in the morning at the Gordons' house, then met Nelson for lunch. Then we went to the Korts for dinner and an early New Year's Eve (with the Elliotts). Sofia ran around and tried to keep up with the big kids. She was exhausted when we got home.
Good bye 2010! Thank you for the good (all of the fun milestones Sofia hit, our home addition, and conceiving Gabby) and screw you for the bad (layoffs, friends who still can't find jobs, friends who lost loved ones, and the crap home market that's keeping us from refinancing). 2011 will be another big and hopefully fantastic year!

Playing with Daddy

Sitting in Lexie's booster seat

Time to go home! (Thanks for the new hat Auntie Leah)

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Visit to Nipomo for post-Xmas celebration

Today Sofia and I drove up to Nipomo to see the Wyetts and celebrate Xmas belatedly. It was a long drive for one day (I'm pooped!) but always great to see them. Their house was all packed up because they are getting ready to move into their new house - yay! So we spent some time at the park in their complex, another park nearby and going out to dinner. While Sofia napped, I took Savanna shopping to pick out some things for Xmas. (She's at that age where she likes to pick out her own gifts!) Got lots of great pics today:

The boys opening their scooters

Sofia playing with their Star Wars computer

Emma chilling in her new activity center (Sofia's old one and Gabriella's future one)

It's Boots!

Sliding with Savanna at park #1

Strong Brad
This is fun!

All aboard!

I can almost reach!

Park #2 - with Auntie Holli

Sofia and Savanna driving Emma (Sofia kept saying "steer, steer!")

Lots of hugs for Emma today

1-2-3 Upside Down game

She put on Ben's tool hat and said "Mama cheese" which means go get the camera...silly!

Monday, December 27, 2010

Leah's Birthday at Benihana

Enjoyed a great Circle of Love dinner at Benihana for Leah's bday tonight...thanks to Dad & Sue for the gift certificate, bet you didn't think we'd find a use for it so fast. We'll take you up for on your offer to babysit in January when Nelson and I are doing the "Be the Chef" experience where they teach you how to cook Benihana-style!

Christmas 2010 Collage

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Celebrating Christmas in Silverlake

Tonight we visited with Abuelita, Tia Ani and Tia Isabel at their home in Silverlake. Sofia was shy at first - but she eventually warmed up as she always does. She managed to get herself 3 cookies and a piece of cake (plus some Cheerios for good measure). So she was a little crazy after the sugar but running up and down their hallway burned off some energy. We got a ton of great pics!

Shy at first, clinging to Elmo

She found a pretty hat!

Clapping is fun!

After the cake (or the cake aftermath if you prefer)

Sharing Cheerios with Daddy

Ticklish girl

Tia Isabel said she loves this funny "o" face Sofia makes and Sofia proceeded to make it about 20 times on command.

This face cracks me up too, trying to be serious/mad but couldn't do it for long

Being silly with Tia Ani

"Mama, go" (O face)

Hugs for Abuelita (with cookie #1!)

With Tia Ani

With Tia Isabel by the Tree ("Cheese" of course)

Nelson & his Abuelita

Painting Gabby's Room

Today we got started on painting Gabby's room. We are doing a two-toned room like Sofia's with a chair rail in the middle. The wall colors are tan and pink to match her bedding that we've registered for which is pink, brown and taupe. (pic below) We pretty much got the whole room painted during Sofia's nap, she woke up with just a little left to paint so she helped :) We still need to put up the chair rail and paint the window and trim, then we'll start putting together furniture! (We now have the glider, crib and dresser/changing table combo)

All taped up and ready to go

Daddy's helper

This is fun!

Final paint colors - still have to install chair rail

This is the stock photo (and the inspiration) of our bedding set and accessories
Our furniture is different but it's dark in color (espresso)

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Dinner 2010

Tonight we had dinner at Dad & Sue's (with Uncle Bob & Aunt Mary) for Christmas. Sofia enjoyed opening more presents (lots of Little People toys!) and was even a good helper by handing out everyone's presents. She also distributed the toys amongst all of us to play with while we watched football after dinner. By the end of the night she was hugging and kissing everyone. She calls my dad "papa" and even called "Uncle Bob" by name too. (Uncle Bob was a big hit)

Handing out a present to Uncle Bob

Ooh aaah!


Cheese face!

Daddy's turn to wear "Tanta"
(Sofia is in love with Tanta so this was very nice to share)

With Grammy Sue & Papa Steve

Kisses Bye Bye

And hugs too!