Tonight we visited with Abuelita, Tia Ani and Tia Isabel at their home in Silverlake. Sofia was shy at first - but she eventually warmed up as she always does. She managed to get herself 3 cookies and a piece of cake (plus some Cheerios for good measure). So she was a little crazy after the sugar but running up and down their hallway burned off some energy. We got a ton of great pics!

Shy at first, clinging to Elmo

She found a pretty hat!

Clapping is fun!

After the cake (or the cake aftermath if you prefer)

Sharing Cheerios with Daddy

Ticklish girl

Tia Isabel said she loves this funny "o" face Sofia makes and Sofia proceeded to make it about 20 times on command.

This face cracks me up too, trying to be serious/mad but couldn't do it for long

Being silly with Tia Ani

"Mama, go" (O face)

Hugs for Abuelita (with cookie #1!)

With Tia Ani

With Tia Isabel by the Tree ("Cheese" of course)

Nelson & his Abuelita
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