Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Dinner 2010

Tonight we had dinner at Dad & Sue's (with Uncle Bob & Aunt Mary) for Christmas. Sofia enjoyed opening more presents (lots of Little People toys!) and was even a good helper by handing out everyone's presents. She also distributed the toys amongst all of us to play with while we watched football after dinner. By the end of the night she was hugging and kissing everyone. She calls my dad "papa" and even called "Uncle Bob" by name too. (Uncle Bob was a big hit)

Handing out a present to Uncle Bob

Ooh aaah!


Cheese face!

Daddy's turn to wear "Tanta"
(Sofia is in love with Tanta so this was very nice to share)

With Grammy Sue & Papa Steve

Kisses Bye Bye

And hugs too!

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