Saturday, November 13, 2010

End of Construction!!

Construction is officially done in our new room! We got carpet in, hardwood floor in the hall patched, the exterior painted and all the final little odds and ends from our contractor done. Bedroom furniture is in, new mattress was delivered and we even got the TV/satellite hooked up.
We even received our final permit/certificate of occupancy from the city.
We still have to put in the closets & closet doors ourselves, but we are going to sleep in our room tonight for the first time! California King, here we come!

Sofia loved running around on the new carpet!

Exterior painted (Nelson has to put the deck back together now!)

Sofia helping Nelson put together the bed frame

New bed all set up!

Mounted the TV (our first flatscreen!), put up curtains, bought and assembled our little media cabinet. Going to hold off on any further decorations/furniture until our wallets recover!

1 comment:

  1. You guys did awesome! I love the new room. You must be loving the big bed and extra space!!
