Saturday, November 20, 2010

Scooter's Jungle

Tonight we went to Scooter's Jungle in Valencia to celebrate OG & Sasha's birthdays. Last year Sofia wasn't even walking yet so this year was much different. She ran all over the place, played with the toys, slid with Daddy, and enjoyed her first piece of pizza - yum!

She loved this toy car

Ready to slide with Daddy

Maybe a little scared?

But ready to go again!

End of the slide

She found the chips!

This little car had a track with bumps kind of like a coaster - cool!

Auntie Anna making Sofia laugh

Hugs from Lexie

Where's my pizza?

MMMM this smells good

She pulled off the cheese and ate it first

The birthday girls


Got just a little on her :) Red Velvet is messy

Ready for the group photo

Its impossible to get 20 kids to look at once!

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