Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dustin's Birthday Party

It was pouring rain - buckets - all day today. It even hailed in the morning. But we braved the wetness for Dustin's 6th birthday party at the always fun Scooter's Jungle. First time we've been out with 2 kids and the rain made for some interesting adventures getting in and out of the car. But we made it. Took turns chasing Sofia and holding Gabby. Sofia was all over the place, she's almost big enough to play on some of the bigger equipment. One thing Jer said which really struck home is "When did she become a little person?" Just in the past month or two Sofia has really become a little girl and not a baby. Sure she does some baby stuff still but she's started to communicate so much and she's getting so independent and wants to try harder things. It's awesome.

Gabby with Auntie Leah

Having a ball!

With Leah and Lexie

Slide time!

(I went on the slide a few times too but no pics were taken as Nel had his hands full with Gabby)

Group photo with all the kids

OG was so sweet and played with Sofia a lot

Group "Funny Face" shot

Sofia's Funny Face

Pizza and Juice at the Big Kids table

She loves her Dora cup


I got a balloon!

Getting a goodie bag from Dustin

"Mama Lookit!"

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