Wow this first month has really flown by! We went to the doctor on Monday for what was supposed to be her 2 week appointment but she was almost a month at that point. Gabby now weighs 11 lbs 5 oz and is 22 inches long. So she has gained 2 1/2 lbs and 2 inches in 4 weeks. Pretty similar in weight to what Sofia was but longer. We are starting to give her 1 bottle a day to get her used to it. She is now in 0-3 months clothes (she lasted way longer in newborn size than Sofia did!) She is a pretty good sleeper, we've pretty much gotten to the point where she wakes up just one time in the night (around 3:30am). But Sofia has been waking up early lately too which is a bummer.
Gabby appears to have a slight cold - surely from Sofia's cooties (Sofia has had a slight runny nose) I guess it's all those kisses. Trying to get Sofia to not kiss Gabby on the mouth, and to cover her mouth when she coughs/sneezes but it's virtually impossible to control a 23-month old! We'll keep trying. Such is the danger of being the second child - no way to keep them in a cocoon.
Here is Gabby's "1 month photo shoot" :)

Little Strawberry Shortcake

Teeny toes

"Hey Ho, Hip Hop Hooray!"

Ruffle butt

Fell asleep during tummy time
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