Now that Sofia is officially a toddler, she is certainly keeping us on our toes. Yes she has some of the Terrible 2's....she likes to assert her independence (a lot). She is also teething again, her eye teeth are finally coming in (the bottom two first) but she has been waking up a lot in the middle of the night. Which is a total bummer on many levels, that she is in pain, but since Gabby sleeps through the night, it means we still have to get up :p She also hasn't been digging naps lately...she will rarely fall asleep until she's been in her crib for an hour and most of the time she is hooting and hollering to get out. I still think she needs the nap because she gets super cranky without it, but it's a challenge.
Some of her favorite things to do are - play with her baby dolls, make pretend food, pretend to be a princess, swing and play outside in her playhouse, watch Dora, read books, and hug & kiss Mommy, Daddy & Gabby.
She still loves food but only specific things, and she doesn't ask for milk as much as she used to. She sits at the table with us now, in a booster chair, which she likes a lot. She has a Dora placemat.
She is super smart, she is already starting to speak in sentences some of the time. The other day she pointed to something and said "Look Mama, see up there" instead of "Look. There." She knows words to several songs, she knows some numbers and ABCs, she learned her middle name so she says Sofia Bella. She also knows my name is Heather and Daddy is Nelson. (I have a video of her saying this - it's classic, I'll have to post it soon)
Ever since her birthday she thinks it's her birthday every day. Today is Benjamin's birthday and I tried to tell her that and she said "no - happy birthday to Sofi!"
We are starting to potty train. She has gone several times at home and at daycare. She gets to pick a special sticker and put it on her potty chart when she goes. Last night she woke up at 5am and went peepee on the potty so as much as I didn't want to get up, I was glad. She gets very excited when she goes and says "I did it!" and "I want sticker!" She points to the stickers from past days, and says "I did it!" and gives high fives. We are taking it slow but she is showing some progress.
She still loves swim class, she is almost ready for the next class up. We are still talking about putting her in gymnastics this summer.
She is just an energetic, happy and fun little girl and we adore her so much!!
Update 5-1-11: Sofia just learned how to open doors including the one to the garage from her playroom - time to install an upper lock! There's no containing her now. Also her third eye tooth is coming in (upper right) so she's still been waking up at night. Ugh!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Gabby - 11 weeks old
Right around when she was this age, I posted an All About Sofia post. Photos are awesome but especially now looking back on what she was doing at the time/age is really interesting. But of course we did a little photo shoot as well in an adorable ballerina outfit!
Gabby at 11 weeks:
* She is just the sweetest, most mellow baby. She is on a really great schedule. She eats every 3 hours and takes 4 naps about 1 1/2 hours each. She has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks. So she goes to bed at 8:30pm, we wake her for a dreamfeed at 10:30 and she sleeps until 7-7:30am.
* She is just over 14 lbs, she is now wearing 3-6 mo clothing and size 2 diapers.
* She smiles, babbles and coos a lot. She is much more alert. She can hold up her head pretty well now, and can hold herself up almost to 90 degrees during tummy time.
* She doesn't drool at all, so we almost never put her in bibs. We must have 100 of them waiting for her to wear :)
* She can sit in the Bumbo for several minutes at a time without slouching.
* She likes to look at toys but doesn't make any attempts yet to grab them.
* She definitely doesn't like to be overstimulated. She doesn't really like it when the TV is on. Though she seems to be able to tune out her very loud big sister quite well :)
* We still swaddle her for sleeping. She has escaped a few times but mostly it seems to keep her settled at night and during naps.
* She doesn't really scratch herself or pull her own hair like Sofia did, so we haven't had to use the baby mittens either.
* We are using the pacifier for naps and bedtime. She likes it but spits it out a lot too.
* She loves the car, she rarely fusses. I think she likes the movement.
* Maybe this it TMI but she doesn't poop a lot. Maybe once a day or every other day which is normal for breastfed babies. Works for me :)
* The only bottle she takes a day (of breastmilk) is her dreamfeed and she's still kind of slow at it. Maybe because she's half asleep. In 6 more weeks she will get 3 bottles a day from Nelson while I'm at work so I'm sure she will get better at it. On the breast she only eats 5 minutes each side. She's got it down.
* Sofia doesn't seem to be getting tired of her at all. She always wants to go see Gabby or help me change her diaper (she hands me a clean one) and gives her hugs and kisses.
* We've managed to keep most germs at bay and she hasn't been actually sick but she has gotten a few cases of the sniffles. Again probably TMI but when she gets a boogie stuck in her nose she gets really mad and blows out her nose, and a few times I've found a boogie sticking right to her face :)
All in all we've noticed a lot of similarities but also a lot of differences with Sofia. She's definitely her own unique person!
And now the pics, which turned out so great, I adore these! Took these on the bed with one of her blankets.

When I saw this pic it reminded me of one I took of Sofia, which I found, so here's a comparison!
Gabby at 11 weeks:
* She is just the sweetest, most mellow baby. She is on a really great schedule. She eats every 3 hours and takes 4 naps about 1 1/2 hours each. She has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks. So she goes to bed at 8:30pm, we wake her for a dreamfeed at 10:30 and she sleeps until 7-7:30am.
* She is just over 14 lbs, she is now wearing 3-6 mo clothing and size 2 diapers.
* She smiles, babbles and coos a lot. She is much more alert. She can hold up her head pretty well now, and can hold herself up almost to 90 degrees during tummy time.
* She doesn't drool at all, so we almost never put her in bibs. We must have 100 of them waiting for her to wear :)
* She can sit in the Bumbo for several minutes at a time without slouching.
* She likes to look at toys but doesn't make any attempts yet to grab them.
* She definitely doesn't like to be overstimulated. She doesn't really like it when the TV is on. Though she seems to be able to tune out her very loud big sister quite well :)
* We still swaddle her for sleeping. She has escaped a few times but mostly it seems to keep her settled at night and during naps.
* She doesn't really scratch herself or pull her own hair like Sofia did, so we haven't had to use the baby mittens either.
* We are using the pacifier for naps and bedtime. She likes it but spits it out a lot too.
* She loves the car, she rarely fusses. I think she likes the movement.
* Maybe this it TMI but she doesn't poop a lot. Maybe once a day or every other day which is normal for breastfed babies. Works for me :)
* The only bottle she takes a day (of breastmilk) is her dreamfeed and she's still kind of slow at it. Maybe because she's half asleep. In 6 more weeks she will get 3 bottles a day from Nelson while I'm at work so I'm sure she will get better at it. On the breast she only eats 5 minutes each side. She's got it down.
* Sofia doesn't seem to be getting tired of her at all. She always wants to go see Gabby or help me change her diaper (she hands me a clean one) and gives her hugs and kisses.
* We've managed to keep most germs at bay and she hasn't been actually sick but she has gotten a few cases of the sniffles. Again probably TMI but when she gets a boogie stuck in her nose she gets really mad and blows out her nose, and a few times I've found a boogie sticking right to her face :)
All in all we've noticed a lot of similarities but also a lot of differences with Sofia. She's definitely her own unique person!
And now the pics, which turned out so great, I adore these! Took these on the bed with one of her blankets.

Monday, April 25, 2011
Who's That Baby on her Tummy?
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Easter 2011
Today was a fun-filled Easter Sunday. We woke up and Sofia got her Easter basket and played with some of her new goodies. Then we made a yummy breakfast of french toast, sausage and eggs. We followed that up with an Easter egg hunt. Nelson took the girls to see Grandma Sara for a few hours. Lastly we went to dinner at Dad & Sue's. They got Sofia another Easter basket including some cool toys, a stuffed bunny, a book and some paints. We had another Easter egg hunt at their house and Sofia ate way too much candy, so she was bouncing off the walls! But it was a great day.

Got some real smiles from Sofia, not just Cheese Face!:
("No more candy" just doesn't mean much to a 2-year old)
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Our friend Rene long ago coined Sofia "one cute ass baby"....or OCAB for short. Now she's hardly a baby anymore but she will always be OCAB :) on a side note Gabby is ACAB, another cute ass baby. Rene &Winter gave Sofia this super cute outfit which she wore today. She loves skirts and dresses with flares, and she spun around saying "I am princess!" Thanks guys!

Surely this isn't a workout outfit but Sofia has a new fascination with the "walking machine" - here she is getting physical on the treadmill:

Surely this isn't a workout outfit but Sofia has a new fascination with the "walking machine" - here she is getting physical on the treadmill:
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