Today was a fun-filled Easter Sunday. We woke up and Sofia got her Easter basket and played with some of her new goodies. Then we made a yummy breakfast of french toast, sausage and eggs. We followed that up with an Easter egg hunt. Nelson took the girls to see Grandma Sara for a few hours. Lastly we went to dinner at Dad & Sue's. They got Sofia another Easter basket including some cool toys, a stuffed bunny, a book and some paints. We had another Easter egg hunt at their house and Sofia ate way too much candy, so she was bouncing off the walls! But it was a great day.

Gabby's First Easter

Funny bunny

I love the funny face Gabby's making, like "leave me alone sis!"

Little bunny

Sweet sisters


Time to hunt!

I found one!
(she did so good she found them all really fast)

What's inside?

Candy yum!

Her new Dora sneakers

Chocolate-y face

Gabby in Daddy's Star Wars hat, he's using The Force to try to make them fans like him :)

All dressed up for dinner - Sofia is such a sweet sister

My girls


Got some real smiles from Sofia, not just Cheese Face!:

Time to go!

With Papa Steve and Grammy Sue

With her new goodies

About 20 jelly beans later!
("No more candy" just doesn't mean much to a 2-year old)
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