Gabby at 11 weeks:
* She is just the sweetest, most mellow baby. She is on a really great schedule. She eats every 3 hours and takes 4 naps about 1 1/2 hours each. She has been sleeping through the night since 8 weeks. So she goes to bed at 8:30pm, we wake her for a dreamfeed at 10:30 and she sleeps until 7-7:30am.
* She is just over 14 lbs, she is now wearing 3-6 mo clothing and size 2 diapers.
* She smiles, babbles and coos a lot. She is much more alert. She can hold up her head pretty well now, and can hold herself up almost to 90 degrees during tummy time.
* She doesn't drool at all, so we almost never put her in bibs. We must have 100 of them waiting for her to wear :)
* She can sit in the Bumbo for several minutes at a time without slouching.
* She likes to look at toys but doesn't make any attempts yet to grab them.
* She definitely doesn't like to be overstimulated. She doesn't really like it when the TV is on. Though she seems to be able to tune out her very loud big sister quite well :)
* We still swaddle her for sleeping. She has escaped a few times but mostly it seems to keep her settled at night and during naps.
* She doesn't really scratch herself or pull her own hair like Sofia did, so we haven't had to use the baby mittens either.
* We are using the pacifier for naps and bedtime. She likes it but spits it out a lot too.
* She loves the car, she rarely fusses. I think she likes the movement.
* Maybe this it TMI but she doesn't poop a lot. Maybe once a day or every other day which is normal for breastfed babies. Works for me :)
* The only bottle she takes a day (of breastmilk) is her dreamfeed and she's still kind of slow at it. Maybe because she's half asleep. In 6 more weeks she will get 3 bottles a day from Nelson while I'm at work so I'm sure she will get better at it. On the breast she only eats 5 minutes each side. She's got it down.
* Sofia doesn't seem to be getting tired of her at all. She always wants to go see Gabby or help me change her diaper (she hands me a clean one) and gives her hugs and kisses.
* We've managed to keep most germs at bay and she hasn't been actually sick but she has gotten a few cases of the sniffles. Again probably TMI but when she gets a boogie stuck in her nose she gets really mad and blows out her nose, and a few times I've found a boogie sticking right to her face :)
All in all we've noticed a lot of similarities but also a lot of differences with Sofia. She's definitely her own unique person!
And now the pics, which turned out so great, I adore these! Took these on the bed with one of her blankets.

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