Friday, July 31, 2009

Sofia Comes to Sony

I am back at work this week - I started on Tuesday. Thank goodness it wasn't as traumatic as I feared it may be. It was so busy and nice to catch up with co-workers that the days flew by and soon I was home with Sofia again. It also makes me appreciate the time I have with her in the evenings - it's now bathtime, songs & activities before I feed her and put her to bed. It really has helped me having Nel home with her during the day (as opposed to daycare) and he is loving it. My mind is at ease knowing they are together! Today they came out to Sony to have lunch with me and we had a great time. It really made the day even better. She also met many of my co-workers and was being a little flirt, smiling and laughing at everyone.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Ruffles, a Bow, a fun hat and funny faces

Today Sofia wore an adorable Gymboree outfit from one of Nel's co-workers. So naturally I had to do a mini photo shoot. Was she feeling it? Not so much:

Finally got a pretty cute one but if you look close you can see Nel was tickling her chin to get her to smile and his hand didn't quite make it out of the way.

She did like hanging out with Daddy though!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Our Little Fish + Video

This evening when it got cooler, we went over to our neighbors house to swim. Anthony & Michelle have a daughter River who was born just 2 weeks after Sofia.

Our little angel-fish

Sofia & River
(Sofi kept sucking her lower lip to taste the pool water that had splashed on her face - she seemed to like it!)

Sofia covets River's pool lounger

Sofia scores River's pool lounger!

Sofi had a blast swimming with Daddy and even kicked her feet excitedly as they "swam"!

Swing, Batter! Sofia hits Dodger Stadium!

Today we had the great fun of attending the Dodger game - in a suite! - with friends and coworkers. Sofia had a good time and wore her Dodgers tee with pride. Sadly the Dodgers didn't win, but we still root, root, rooted for them.

Go Blue!

Checkin' out the view

Sofia and Harrison with his and hers Dodger outfits

Cutest lil Dodger fan

Keepin cool in the suite with Grandma

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sofia is 16 weeks old today!

This is one of her new toys, Sophie Le Giraffe. We didn't name it that, that's actually it's name! She loves to hold her, listed to us squeeze her (she squeaks) but mostly just put the giraffe's entire head in her mouth. Yum!

Today we also celebrated Papa Steve's birthday with a BBQ at our house. Sofi loves her Papa!

Friday, July 24, 2009

Ladies who Lunch

Today we went to lunch with the Korts. Alexis is very interested in holding Baby Sofi, kissing Baby Sofi, and even helped me change her diaper by carrying the diaper pod and handing me the diaper, wipes, etc. It's totally adorable. She even wanted to carry the car seat (which is as big as she is) with Baby Sofi in it to the car :)

Sweet Kisses

Hangin' with my girlfriend
Gee Mommy, those Clucks N Fries look GOOOOOD!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Chillin on the Activity Mat

She seems more interested in eating her hand/arm than all of the little toys that hang down from this thing :) But she will chill there content for several minutes at a time!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sofia's Fun afternoon

Today Sofia and I went up to Palmdale to see my mom, aunt and uncle. While I was out running errands, Sofi played with them.

Hangin' Out

Sofia gets up close and personal with Riley (she loves ruff ruffs)

Grandma makes a good pillow

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sofia is 15 weeks old today!

This last picture here is Sofi with her "WubbaNub". Yes from the "how did any child survive before these" file - this is a pacifier (same brand we use - Soothies) that is attached to a stuffed animal. Comes in many kinds - we chose the Frog. What's cool about this is that a) it's harder to lose and b) she can sort of grab onto it to help her get it back in her mouth when it falls out. She's not quite got good enough hand-eye coordination to do that with a regular pacifier, but she can push the frog up closer and find the paci with her mouth.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

New way to bathe

We've been mostly giving Sofia her baths in our (big) bath tub instead of the little one that sits on the counter. She seems to like it better being more submerged. One of us usually gets in the bath with her and holds her - sorry no photos of that :) Today we tried this bath seat. She actually sat up in it pretty well, but its hard to get to all her parts to wash them. And as she got tired she started to slump a little. But it's a good alternative if neither of us wants to get in the tub.
PS not sure if you can tell from the photo but her little rubber ducky is a hockey player duck! We got it at the spa store when we bought out jacuzzi, it was our "Free" gift. It should be noted that it's not a "Mighty" Duck its just a duck :)

Monday, July 13, 2009

Saturday, July 11, 2009

A few cute pix from this past week...

A ride from Dad


She's bad-a--...wait can you say that about a baby?

Sofia is 14 weeks old today!

Nelson took some more "wrapped up after bath" pics...