Friday, July 3, 2009

Sofia at 3 months old - notes

On the eve of her 3 month birthday her are some Sofi Updates:

The "no swaddle" didn't last but 2 nights. She still gets an arm (or two) out occasionally but without it she seems to flail too much and wake herself up. We tried the next size up swaddle blanket but she fully escaped. She needs the smaller, tight swaddle. Even that she can get out of from time to time.

She is still using the pacifier - pretty much exclusively to help settle her down when she needs to take a nap but she's fighting it.

She is drooling more but no other teething symptoms.

Her hair seems to be growing in BLONDE! Her roots are really light, some of them almost white blonde. It will be interesting to see if she goes from dark brown to blonde. Her eyes are still more blue than green on most days but depending on her outfit color, they can look more one than the other. She has brown flecks in her eyes too. They are lines that go from her pupil out to the edge of her iris - like stripes.

She likes to watch her mobile over her crib and the one over her changing table.

She likes to lift up both legs when we are changing her, almost like she anticipates that we need to lift up her butt to put the new diaper on. But she's not yet grabbing for her toes. She is still not grabbing at toys much either - just Ruff Ruff and Mabel (her stuffed dogs) a couple times. She also likes to grab at Nelson's face, which is is doing right now, and my hair or necklace. But for the most part right now she is a look but don't touch girl. I'm sure we will miss that once she starts grabbing everything.

She now weighs about 15 1/4 pounds. That's actually a little less than a week ago when we last weighed her. So her weight gain is leveling off a little bit. For a while there she was on pace to move into the next size diapers/clothes by 3 months! But she is wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 month clothes and neither seem like they are close to being too tight.

Our daily "songs & activities" now include: The Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Apple Tree, Baby Sit Ups, bicycles, horsey ride, flying baby, tummy time and rolling over (I use a blanket to help roll her over - she can't do it on her own yet). Now for the sit-ups though I just hold her hands and pull her up on a sitting position. She holds her head up just fine so I don't need to cradle it. And she helps me by lifting her head those first few inches. I'm teaching Nel all of these fun things so he can continue them when I'm back at work and he's home with her for 8 weeks.

She is still a great sleeper. Goes to bed around 9:30 and has been waking up around 6am to feed, then back to sleep until 9 am. Then she takes a morning nap from about 10-11:30 if we don't go somewhere. She doesn't really nap the rest of the day, just dozes off here and there for 30 minutes or so. Last night was the first time that Sofia woke up in the middle of the night and went back to sleep without a feeding. Daddy just re-swaddled her and put her back down. Since it was only 3am and she usually holds out until 6ish, we thought we would give it a try and it worked. She didn't wake up until 6:15!

I am going back to work in 3 1/2 weeks so I have been focusing on storing up a bunch of pumped breastmilk. I am going to try to pump at work as much as possible but with meetings and things it may be hard to be on a pumping schedule that matches her feeding schedule. We are probably going to have to change her current schedule when I go back to work to maximize the number of feedings I can give her "in person". I may feed her before work and Nelson will feed her 3 times while I'm gone, and I will do the last pre-bed feeding and middle of the night feeding. I'm hoping to get her to 6 months with breastmilk exclusively. Then we may introduce a few foods and, if I'm not pumping enough, the occasional formula bottle.

I've noticed a few times in the last couple of days that she seems to be eying me when I'm eating food. Today I was sucking on a popsicle and she was staring at me, and licked her lips a couple times. Maybe she is curious about food already. Our next doctor visit is at month 4 - I know some babies start on rice cereal at 4 months but since she is big and healthy I don't think she will need solids so soon.

We've looked at two daycares so far - one a home day care and the other a facility (Kinder Care). Both have their plusses and minuses. We have a few more to look at. There are also a few places that may or may not have an opening when we need it, so that will determine if we have a larger or smaller pool of places to choose from.

That's all for now! But every day is something new!

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