Saturday, October 17, 2009

Savanna's 12th Birthday Party

Today we drove up to Nipomo (Central Cali) for the day for Miss Savanna's 12 birthday party! Sofi was very good in the car, but did not sleep and barely napped all day, so by the end of the day, she was one cranky customer. But despite having to take turns taking Sofia down from the clubhouse (where the party was) to the Wyetts' place downstairs, we still had fun - we had lunch, played games, watched a movie, and watched an extremely frightening performance by James of a Jonas Brothers song (which still actually sounded better than the actual Jonas brothers - kidding Savanna!). Savanna got some awesome presents and we haven't even gotten her something yet (we gave her a gift cert for a "shopping spree" with me) but then again maybe she doesn't need anymore presents! :) Again kidding Savanna if you are reading this!

Yes that's her candles in a Taco Bell tostada. Don't ask!

My two girls

Messy faced Ben

Me with the boys & Sofi

Very happy about the presents!

Bradley loves to hold Sofia

We should've turned the camera around so you could see the full on "paparazzi" taking pictures...

I love my girl

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