Saturday, October 24, 2009

Sofia is 29 weeks old!

What's New with Sofia:
* She is pretty much over staying in her stroller when we go out to eat, she likes to sit in a high chair even though she is not eating, and play with toys or bang on the table. We've already started the "drop a toy and mommy or daddy pick it up" game - not fun! She is still pretty tiny for most high chairs, but sits up well enough.
* Her dialogue has progressed this past week to a definite consonant/vowel combo - mostly dadadadada or deedeedeedee - said very matter of factly as if she knows what she is saying.
* Just in the past 2 days she was been biting down a things a lot harder, I know this because my knuckles and face have both felt her wrath. I think this means that she is teething pretty hard core now, maybe we'll see a tooth soon?
* This next week is Nelson's last at home - we are going to start taking her to daycare for a few hours a day this coming week to get her used to it. 3 trips to Babies R Us later, I have a carload full of stuff to take there - diapers, wipes, butt paste, a backup outfit, extra socks/bibs/bottles/crib sheet, a jacket, a stroller and bottles. Whew!
* She is continuing to enjoy food - we've added squash, apples, prunes (due to necessity) and pumpkin, up next - green beans, oatmeal and peas!
* She is still such a happy girl, especially around other people. She does occasionally have "mamitis" as Nelson calls it, but also goes to other family and friends pretty well.

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