Monday, October 5, 2009

Sofia's 6 month Doctor's Appointment

Today we took Sofi for her 6 month check-up and shots. We met her new doctor, Dr. Stone, who is also the head of pediatrics. (Her old doctor is retiring so we switched now.) She is really nice and took the time to answer all of my questions.

Sofia is now 27" tall and 18 1/2 pounds. This is only 1 pound more than at her 4 month check-up, so she has slowed down a little bit. She is still in the upper percentile - 95th.

She did so well on her shots - she had to do 4 today including a flu shot. She screamed during the actual needle pricks, but then within 30 seconds she was happy again. The nurses could not get over how good she was, it was like she never got any shots today. She's also been in a pretty good mood since, so there was no aftermath.

We also have to go back in 2 weeks for the H1N1 swine flu shot and in 4 weeks for part 2 of the regular flu shot. Our doctor highly recommended these, and since she is starting daycare in 4 weeks, we want to make sure she is protected, mostly because you don't know what the other kids have been exposed to. The good news is after these 2 follow-up shots, she doesn't have any more until she is one!

We are going to be starting her on more solids this week - sweet potatoes are up next! And moving her into oatmeal, which is less constipating than rice cereal (TMI?) By around 8-9 months she should be eating 3 meals a day.

The doctor was happy with her milestones progress, she is sitting up unassisted, pushing all the way up on her arms, rolling over, grabbing just about everything, focusing on objects. She said the next few milestones will be:
Teeth - any time
Babbling will turn to more noticeable sounds like baba mama dada - any time
Crawling - 6-9 months
Pulling herself up to standing and "cruising" - around 9 months to a year
Walking - a year or earlier

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