Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mellow New Year's Eve

Today I dropped Sofia at daycare and went and got my hair straightened (the permanent Japanese style straightening). It looks really good - hopefully it looks this good when I do it on a daily basis!

We had a mellow New Year's Eve at home, hung out with our girl and watched hockey/movies.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Visit to See Wyetts

Sofia and I went up to Nipomo for 2 days to visit the Wyetts. We had a great time, opened presents, and played a lot. Savanna and I went shopping and she got a cool new bathing suit. And Sofia slept fairly well in her pack & play away from home, which was a relief. Here are some of the best pics.

Love for Savanna & Bradley!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Christmas Dinner #2 / Sofia is 38 weeks old today!

Tonight we went to Dad & Sue's to have a belated Christmas dinner with them, Mary and Bob. We had a great time and we all got some great presents. Sofia was definitely interested in opening everyone's presents, even actually ripping into a few with her teeth.

Attacking the presents

In her Santa hat

With her new sleepers

She loved this pull toy - 3 little duckies and it quacks when you pull the string


These tights are so cute, they have a pattern on the feet that makes it look like she is wearing shoes

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Dinner

Tonight we went to Palmdale to see Mom, Auntie Marsha and Greggy and have dinner. Sofia had a great time opening her gifts, playing with her "Uncle" Riley (the dog), posing for pics and showing everyone her wave, her crawl and giving her Grandma a Sofi kiss.
I realized at the end of the day though, I didn't get a picture with Sofia on Christmas! Doh!

Hey it's a Ruff Ruff

I just love her funny faces

Sofia and Grandma


Her new personalized Santa hat - get me outta here!

Diggin' in


Riley wouldn't behave and join the picture

"I am outta here"

Crawling around

Posing with Daddy

Practicing her walking skillz

Playing with Uncle Greggy

Christmas Morning

We had a lovely and mellow Christmas morning at home. Sofia was, not unexpectedly, just as interested in tissue paper as her actual presents :) Nelson's mom and niece also stopped by for a few minutes to see Sofia.

Time for presents!

Santa socks

My First Christmas bib

oooh gift bag!

Paddington Bear

Books are delish

She liked the puppets we got her

Miss Independent

Cute hat from Karri

Gifts scattered about

Opening her stocking

That hat is just too cute

Hey I just noticed there are toys hanging from this tree thing

She really liked this little shaker/rain maker

Oh, so presents are for eating!

With Abuela Sara & Claudia