Friday, December 11, 2009

Sofia's Second Tooth / Started Protein

On Tuesday, I noticed that Sofia's second tooth is starting to come out - the other bottom middle tooth. It's not visible via photo yet but we'll share when it is. (Her first tooth first poked through on 11/15) Lena will be so happy when she's back from vacation, she said Sofia can have Cheerios as soon as she has 2 teeth :)

Sofia has tried 3 new foods this week - chicken, turkey and yogurt. She likes them all! Especially the yogurt.

She is getting to be quite good at picking up "puffs" and putting them in her mouth. Less casualties falling to the floor than before!

Foods still on the list that we haven't gotten around to but will try soon: plums, peaches, blueberries, strawberries, tomato, corn and cauliflower.

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