Sunday, October 31, 2010

Sofia's Second Halloween

We had a very busy but fun Halloween! We finally carved our pumpkin, Sofia alternated between being interested and bored :) Then we got her all dressed up in her bumblebee costume. We handed out some candy while we waited for the Elliotts then we took a trip down the block. She loved trick or treating. She is so social so every time we went up to a door she was happy to see a new person. She even say "trick or treat" and "thank you" a few times, and "bye bye" a lot. All of the neighbors thought she was adorable. Then when we got home she tried candy for the first time - a Reese's peanut butter cup and one bite of Snickers. Yum! She did get a little sugar rush but luckily we were able to distract her with the trick or treaters, and she had so much fun putting candy in people's bags. In between people she just waited at the front door holding a candy, I would say we have to wait for more people and she said "people"! She is so cute. After all that excitement it was hard for her to fall asleep but she finally did at 9:30pm (one hour late!)

Ready to Carve

Fascinated by the candle

Smelling it? Licking it?

Mini pumpkins are fun

When we revealed our pumpkin she clapped...

and clasped her hands!

Miss Bumblebee

Now, suddenly not digging the pumpkin

Cute little stinger

Always big smackers on the mouth!

Checking out Dustin's costume

Off we went!

Trying Reese's for the first time!

Yummy - candy and a friend!

With Patty & Dustin

Handing out Candy

Halloween collage

Saturday, October 30, 2010


Tonight we took Sofia to the Kings game. She had a great time, she loved the loud music and the people. She flirted with the people behind us the whole game. At intermission we walked around and met a cut elittle baby named Avery - Sofia hugged her and shared her snacks.
From afar she thought Bailey the Kings mascot (a lion) was cool but when he came up to talk to her, she lost it! Poor guy was nice enough to retreat quickly.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Construction Update end of week #6

We are in the final stages now! We have doors and hardware, trim, lights, electrical switches and ceiling fans installed. There are a few cosmetic things to fix here and there but the main things left are:

- final coat of stucco
- hardwood patching where we removed the door to our old room and at the threshold of our new room
- interior paint (which we are doing ourselves - we primed most of the new room tonight and man did it suck!)
- closet systems and closet doors (also doing ourselves)
- carpet (we'll get it installed week after next after the painting is done)
- exterior paint (having our old neighbor do this)

Now that's a long hallway - and we can actually get to our room from the house now!

Old room / soon to be baby #2's room

New room - ready to paint

New room - walls primered - still need to primer ceiling & closets

Daycare Halloween Day

Sofia got into the spirit for daycare today - here are pics of her before we from Daycare are at the end.

"No more paparazzi Mom!"

Costume parade!

The "babies" - Jaelyn, Eli and Sofia

The whole group from GCC

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clean Sweep

Sofia always seems fascinated when we are sweeping the floor so today I got her her very own broom. She loved it. Never too early to start doing chores!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Bought these for Sofia & Gabby on ebay - cute!!