Friday, October 29, 2010

Construction Update end of week #6

We are in the final stages now! We have doors and hardware, trim, lights, electrical switches and ceiling fans installed. There are a few cosmetic things to fix here and there but the main things left are:

- final coat of stucco
- hardwood patching where we removed the door to our old room and at the threshold of our new room
- interior paint (which we are doing ourselves - we primed most of the new room tonight and man did it suck!)
- closet systems and closet doors (also doing ourselves)
- carpet (we'll get it installed week after next after the painting is done)
- exterior paint (having our old neighbor do this)

Now that's a long hallway - and we can actually get to our room from the house now!

Old room / soon to be baby #2's room

New room - ready to paint

New room - walls primered - still need to primer ceiling & closets

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