Sunday, October 10, 2010

Josh & Lexie's Bday at Chuck E Cheese

Today Sofia experienced Chuck E Cheese for the first time. She liked it, wasn't really into any of the rides except the carousel because it went very slow! She liked the games though especially anything you can steer or with buttons to push. She liked the pizza and of course the cake. She thought Chuck E the rat was OK from afar only! She kept us on our toes running around all over
the place. She's not quite big enough so that she could sit at the kids' table - next year!


Had to get a shot of the boots!

MMMMM cake

Family Portrait

This ride took a picture of her (it was a car sitting next to a fake Chuck E.) See how pleased she looks? She only lasted about 2 seconds longer.

After the party, brushing Daddy's hair

They make each other laugh!

Love Nelson's face in the background - he was telling her to say "cheese!"

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