Sunday, July 10, 2011

2 "Firsts" for Gabby Today! And one for Sofia too!

Today Gabby rolled over for the first time and went in the jumper (and liked it!) And Sofia told us for the first time she had to go poo poo and went on the potty. (She has gone poo poo before but only when we have caught her making "the face" and ran her into the bathroom. She totally brought it up this time.) She also had fun dressing up like a princess and wearing her new Dora swimsuit in her kiddie pool.
The first 3 photos are yesterday with me "assisting" Gabby on how to roll over. Then today she did it twice on her own. The key was to give her something to want to roll towards (me).
And funny note on the swimming - pullups are not meant for the water, this thing ballooned up so full, it looked like she had a gigantic booty (that's why she is laughing in the one photo and sort of squatting)

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