Thursday, September 30, 2010

All About Sofia at 18 months

Here's what's going on with Sofia at just about 18 months old:
* She talks all the time now! Her latest cute saying is "I love you" which sounds more like "I love lou". So she's putting strings of words together. She loves to sit on her rocking chair and do "Row Row Row your boat" - she calls out "Row Row" and she moves her arms like she is rowing a boat. She also says "Ashes Ashes" when she wants to do "Ring Around the Rosies". Lena at daycare says she also excuses herself after meals like the big kids do by saying "scuse" :) She still does babble and when she's is mad she will spew out a whole lot of harsh sounding babble that is surely baby cursing. It's pretty funny!
* She has started to count a little bit and says some ABCs - if we say 1, she's say 2. And she'll put up her fingers up to 5 to go along with her favorite Elmo song "Transylvania 1-2-3-4-5" with the Count. She loves the ABC song and will randomly yell out letters. We have a book called "What Does Baby say?" and she will now say what each baby says before I get to the part ie I say "what does the busy baby say?" and before I lift the flap she says "Uh-oh!"
* She no longer is content to eat something different when she sees mommy & daddy have something more interesting. So we try to avoid eating any junk food around her! While she eats pretty healthy overall, she has tried some goodies like French fries, chicken nuggets, cookies (once!) and pie. But her favorite snack is definitely Ritz crackers, she likes the kind with peanut butter between two crackers a lot. She is a carbo-holic. Pasta, bread, fruit and potatoes - she loves them all.
* She loves to try to put on her own clothes and shoes, and to put my shoes on me. Most of the time she picks shoes that don't go with my outfit so I have to tell her to get me other shoes.
* She is still obsessed with dogs and will kiss my mom's dog Riley on the mouth. Ew!
* In fact she is a kissing machine. She loves to give big kisses on the mouth. Now combined with "I love you" it's almost too much to handle, it's so sweet.
* She's finally started sitting on her butt to go down stairs vs taking a header off them.
* She will get weighed at her doctor's appointment next week but we think she is between 28 and 29 pounds. She's very active, always running around.
* She is still in swim lessons, we've moved them to Wednesdays to free up the weekends and Nelson takes her while I'm still at work. She is starting to kick her legs and blow bubbles. She loves the water. We are looking into possibly starting a Gymboree or music class this fall.
* Elmo is still #1. But now she also says "Big Bird" and "Abby", her two other favorites on SS.
* Next week we are moving her into the next size up 18-24 months clothing. She still wears a size 5 shoe.
* She now has 8 teeth, 4 top and 4 bottom - no more vampire baby! She has been teething this past week so more should be coming in.
* We've started to take away the pacifier. She doesn't take her daytime nap with it. But it's about 75/25 at night time. We are going out of town this weekend so we figured it was a bad time to take it away entirely, so we've kind of used that as an excuse to give in, but we're going to try cold turkey next week and see how it goes!
* She will sit on her potty (in her diaper) and say "potty" and sometimes go potty in her diaper. Soon we'll try to start taking off her diaper. She also likes to flush the toilet and say bye bye after someone has gone on the grown up potty :)
* If we give hre a napkin she will wipe her face and mouth (sometimes followed by her tushy! she will rub the napkin over her fully clothed behind!)
* She loves to dance to music, shake shakers or play her piano, and as everyone saw in this past week's posts, she got a play guitar and "rocked" with her Daddy. She's very musical. She will now mouth the words to songs that we listen too, and even remembers lots of the words to her Elmo CD that we listen to in the car. She'll say "Ta-Ra-Ra" when the music starts for "Ta-ra-ra-boom-de-ay" or "La la la la" when "Elmo's World" comes on.
* She is very social - in the mornings she always wants to go say hi to the construction workers working on our house and won't leave until she's said bye bye at least 10 times. She says hi to strangers in the store or neighbors walking by.
* We keep telling her that Mommy has a baby in her tummy. The other day Nelson showed her how to kiss my belly, which she did repeatedly, then she became obsessed with sticking her finger in my belly button, that was much more fun!
* And lest she sound entirely too perfect, she has her moments. The independent streak continues - she has been known to throw a temper tantrum by throwing herself on the floor or throwing food/drink she doesn't want off her high chair. She only wants to feed herself now, which is challenging. And when she is mad, she is vocal! She went through one week where she bit Nelson, me and a kid at daycare but it hasn't happened since (knock on wood). For the most part when she lashes out we just tell her it's OK but we don't hit, bite, etc. and she eventually gets over it. She hasn't learned how to share and at daycare she takes toys away from the older kids sometimes. I don't know why they let a baby boss them around but they do! So we're trying to get her to learn that she can't just take what she wants. A younger sibling should help with that. She also hates when we put her down for bed - she cries as soon as we leave but it rarely lasts more than a few minutes. But even a few minutes of her crying is enough!

We love our Sofia - can't believe she's almost a year and a half. She doesn't seem like a baby any more. She's officially a Toddler.

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