Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gabby's 4 month Dr's appointment

Doctor's appointment today - Gabby is now 26 inches long and 17 lbs 1 oz (about half a pound lighter and half inch longer than Sofia was at this age). Developmentally she is doing great! Holding her head up, cooing, starting to grab at things. Next up: rolling over and putting more weight on her legs (which she does not like to do now).

She had more shots today :( she cried during but again was OK just a few minutes later.

We just moved her to a 4 hour schedule which means 4 feedings and 3 naps a day. She's doing well with it. It's just hard figuring how much more to give her at each meal, and in general since she is drinking bottles during the day now, finding the sweet spot where she is getting enough and sleeping til morning. (We have had a few early mornings.)

Here's a pic of Nelson and Gabby (self portrait cell phone pic by Nel):

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