Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Dinner

We had a wonderful Christmas dinner at Dad & Sue's (with Bob & Mary too). Sofia asked right when we got there, Papa Steve where are my presents? LOL. She loved her new My Little Pony and she got a Tag Jr and books which we are setting up tonight on the computer. It's basically this little wand thing you point at the books and it reads it aloud. Helps with learning and recognizing words/letters. Super fun!
Gabby showed off her brief standing skills and scooted around the living room (not quite crawling because she can't seem to get that second leg around) but she still gets what she wants. She got a cool Octopus and snail that makes music and moves when you push it.
Sofia was playing with her toys and some of Grammy's and even was playing a game where you jump over the toys - she got some air as you can see from the photos.
We had a great Christmas! Looking forward to continuing the fun tomorrow with the Wyetts.

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