Thursday, December 29, 2011

Gabby, Little Sister who the Paparazzi Loves

Gabby has really started to get more mobile lately. She is not really crawling but scooting around and halfway pulling herself up on things. She loves to play in the playroom with Sofia - most often sucking on Sofia's toys and not her own :) Her new "pose" as you can see at the bottom is both arms up behind her head. I have no idea where she gets this. She has been babbling a lot more. Mama Dada mostly. The other day she repeating "moo" when we were playing with her cow puppet. We are trying to use baby signs with her to see if she will start communicating that way. She just smiles at us when we sign"milk" or "more". Sofia likes doing the signs too. Still only 2 teeth but her upper gums are crazy swollen so she could get several more all at once.

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