Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Morning

This was a great Christmas morning! It was the first time we got the experience of having a child who understands (kind of) the concept of Christmas (not in the religious sense but in the traditional) and has the anticipation of waking up to see if Santa left presents. Gabby was still happy but had no idea really what was going on :) They actually both slept until 7:30 which was nice, then we checked to see if Santa ate his cookies - yes he did - started baking our breakfast (my Grandma's famous breakfast casserole) while we opened presents.
Sofia got from Santa just what she asked him for - green playdoh and a Dora doll. She also got a Barbie from Gabby, and some art supplies, coloring books, and Dora CD player (it plays fake little plastic Dora CDs that play music that goes along with the books in the set), and Buzz & Woody figurines from us.
Gabby got a little bead activity center (you move the beads up and down) from Santa, a cell phone from Sofia, and a couple of different balls, a little purse with teether keys, a Sophie the Giraffe teething toy, and bath toys from us.
After breakfast (Gabby tried her new fave Baby Mum Mum rice crackers) we opened our stockings and Gabby impressed us all by standing unassisted for about 20 seconds. (video below - which is only about 3 seconds) Then we watched the Disney Holiday parade and daydreamed about visiting the new Disney resort on Hawaii, which is now our dream vacation for 2013!
Happy Holidays to everyone!!

Gabby standing:

I also found this video from about 2 weeks ago of her clapping to
Nelson singing Def Leppard which is super cute:

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