Saturday, May 28, 2011

Family Day at Santa Barbara Zoo

Today we had a fun-filled day at the Santa Barbara Zoo with the Wyetts. Of course, duh, both Sofia and Gabby had zoo inspired outfits (Sofia a panda, Gabby a kangaroo -- ironically neither of which we saw today!) Sofia wore a really cute pink cap almost all day until she dropped it on the train - oops. Bad mom though, I forgot to put sunblock on so she has sunburn on her lower arms and just her knees. She doesn't seem to mind it though. We had fun looking at all of the animals and playing in the kids playground area. The kids' favorite part was sliding down this big hill on cardboard boxes. We also took a train ride around the zoo (kinda lame and we lost the hat plus Emma's paci). We were really glad we brought her push buggy car because it was a great way to get her around without another stroller and keep her from running away too much. Gabby, for the second weekend in a row, didn't seem to like being out on a field trip. Especially the feeding part. But she actually slept for a while and was pretty happy while awake when it wasn't feeding time. She is starting to demand absolute silence and comfort while eating, and that's pretty hard with Sofia running around and when we are out of the house - forget it. Hopefully it's just a phase.
Sofia took a short nap on the way home but not enough, and she crashed hard at bedtime. Hallelujah. Gabby was off her schedule all day but we managed to sort of get her back on track just in time for bedtime too. Field trips will be so much easier once she is eating "real" food!
The rest of the weekend should be more mellow but hopefully lots more fun too!

Watching How to Train Your Dinosaur Show

Checking out the giraffes


Cute smiley Emma

Up close with a gorilla!

Crazy cousins

Daddy patrol

Look Mama a bunny!

Feeding the fish

Emma did not like the applesauce!

Peekaboo Gabbers

Boys go for a slide

And typical Ben - right into a tree!

Sofia loved sliding with Savanna

On the Train

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