Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

Great Mother's Day - got to sleep in, then we went to my favorite Benihana for dinner. Sofia had so much fun (and ate a ton!) She was interested the whole time and cheered and yelled out the different foods. She entertained our whole table. Gabby was awake most of the time but pretty much just chilled out in her stroller.
Look at my beautiful princesses! Sofia is certainly a ham as well, her poses are just too funny for words. She is getting over saying "cheese" all the time and I'm trying to get her to smile more naturally. But she loses patience quickly.
Oh and my mother's day gift / push present combo was an iPad from Nel - we played with it today for the first time, pretty cool!

"I'm TWO!"

Family portrait

Tres generaciones

Gabby's back there in the stroller, you can almost see her ear behind Sofia!

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