Sofia loves playing on my iPad especially an app called Monkey Preschool Lunchbox. There re several activities within the same game - memory, identifying shapes and colors, putting together puzzles and counting. She amazed me how fast she figured out how to use the touch screen and figure out the games. The reward is virtual stickers - she LOVES stickers!
Lastly, Sofia fell off the swings at daycare (trying to swing on her stomach not her tushie!) and cut her chin. Not too bad but she likes to show it to me and ask for medicine (Neosporin).
Also on the potty training front - something has really clicked in the past 2 days. Yesterday she went on the potty 5 times! Daycare and home. Even though I have been offering a small piece of candy for weeks it didn't seem to matter. Now she seems like she understands how to control the muscles - and has been getting lots of candy. We are going to move her into pull-ups as soon as we are done with this last box of regular diapers. Woo hoo!
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