Gabriella Claire is 1 year old today! I can't believe how much this year has flown by.
Today we took Valentine's themed cupcakes & Teddy bears with lollipops (goody bags) to daycare for her "school" party. And she dressed up in a cute valentine's jumpsuit (Daycare is closed next week so she won't get to wear it on actual Valentine's Day)
We will be having a party for her Saturday at our house as well.
All About Gabby at 1 year old: Gabby has 3 new teeth peeking through on the top, so that brings her total to 5. She is wearing size 4 diapers and size 12-18 month clothes. (I will get her size measurements Monday at her doctor's appointment. Plus she has to get a bunch of shots - UGH)
She is crawling a lot and pulling herself up on furniture. She hasn't walked yet though, but if you help her walk she can do it grabbing just one finger on each hand. She has started to wear shoes to daycare but we pretty much keep her in socks or barefoot at home.
She is still doing 2 naps a day - 9-10am and 1-3:30pm.
She loves playing with and chewing on toys - especially Sofia's. She will grunt or yell at Sofia when she takes a toy away so we're trying to explain the sharing part. She loves taking baths with Sofia - they play with their toys and laugh a lot.
She knows a few signs in sign language - milk and more - but mostly just grunts. Between the 3 of us, she doesn't have to say a lot to get attention.
She tried real milk for the first time this week, had just a couple of sips, and she is learning how to use a sippy cup. We are going to transition her to all milk/all sippies next week. Bye bye expensive formula! In terms of food, she is eating more "real" food just chopped into pieces. She loves strawberries, cheese and eggs. Much like her sister. We are going to decrease the amount of purees and start giving her smaller cut up versions of whatever we are eating whenever possible. She does like puffs and yogurt melts a lot for snacks too.
She is a very happy baby and still the best sleeper. She loves her ducky pacifier and will go right to bed if we give it to her. (She actually has 2 and will sometimes hold them both to go to sleep)
Nelson likes to say she has total "mamitis" still - as soon as I get home from work she wants only me. She makes the best little scrunchy face smile when I get home. But she really loves her daddy - he can make her laugh like no one. And she loves when Sofia plays peekaboo with her.
She loves to be outside - in the stroller, push buggy or wagon.
She is still a crazy sock lady - always pulling her socks off and throwing them out of her car seat.
Whenever we put on music she bobs her head - it's the cutest thing. Both of our girls love music!
As you can probably tell we are so in love with this little angel!
Can't wait to see what this next year brings. Age 1-2 is such a huge time of growth especially in the language and movement departments.
Pics below are from this morning - as you can see Sofia's lip is getting much better. It's completely scabbed up, but the stitches haven't completely dissolved yet so they are basically holding the scab on. Sofi has been really good about not messing with it. I have managed to get her to let me put medicine on it several times a day (with a bribe of candy!)

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