Friday, February 10, 2012

Gabby's Daycare Presents

Check out all of the goodies Gabby got from her friends at daycare for her birthday! We are so lucky, we have such a cool group of kids/parents. Everyone really celebrates each other's birthdays. She literally got a gift from every other kid there. The irony is she had no idea what was going on and crawled off after we opened the first gift. Sofia, on the other hand, was all over it. She opened all the presents and even insisted on posing with them. LOL that kid! She really can't wait for her birthday. Tomorrow's party should be interesting, hopefully she won't get too jealous of all the attention paid to Gabby :)
Sofia also got Gabby a gift - a puzzle stool that has her name on it, just like the one Sofia has. Gabby likes to use it as a walker and push it around. No pic of that yet - soon!

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