The doctor finally saw us and confirmed she'd need a few stitches. They had her put this numbing cream on her lip but we had to hold her down to get her to let it sit on her lip and do its job. She screamed non-stop for the full 5 minutes. Then - for the stitches - they wrapped her in a sheet and two nurses held her head while Nelson and I held her body. She was hysterical the entire time and it was heartbreaking! I don't even know how long it took - but 3 stitches later we were done, and all physically and emotionally exhausted. It was almost midnight by that point and she crashed as soon as we left the parking lot.
Below is a photo of what it looked like pre-stitches (can't really see how deep it was) and this morning - it's still a little swollen, but not as bad as before. She doesn't seem too bothered by it, though she doesn't like us to clean it (which we have to do after every meal/snack to keep the food out of it). These are the dissolvable stitches so we'll have to wait and see how long it will take to heal, and since it's right on the middle of the lip and 2 of the 3 stitches are on the lip (only 1 is above the lip line) hopefully it won't leave much of a scar.
I'm sure every parent who has had to take their child to the hospital for any reason can relate to how awful and helpless you feel - it was an experience I don't care to repeat!

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