Thursday, February 2, 2012

One more week til Gabby Turns One!

It's exactly one week until Gabby turns 1! I can't believe how much this year has flown by, seems so much faster than Sofia's first year maybe because we are twice as busy. Gabby is definitely much more mobile these past couple of weeks, she is on the verge of taking her first unassisted steps. She loves music, dancing and peekaboo. Sofia is her biggest source of entertainment but she also has become more vocal - if Sofia takes a toy she screeches at her :) She has also just started wearing "real shoes" to daycare. She has been eating food with more texture even though she has only 2 teeth still. And this will be her final week on formula and breastmilk - 1 year olds can drink real milk! Her one year check-up in on February 13th. And shots (boo!)
Got some great pics today - especially love the ones with Nelson!

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