Sunday, May 31, 2009

Push Present

I got a set of "mommy tags" (kind of like dog tags) from Nelson for my "push present" - we had to order them and they finally arrived. I've learned recently that not everyone knows what a push present is - it's a present that the daddy buys for the mommy after having the baby. (literally push for pushing out the baby - but all mommies are entitled to one whether they have a c-section or adopt too!)

The larger tag says "bebe love" and the smaller tag says "sofia 04.04.09"

Sofia is 8 weeks old!

OK so this is a day late but yesterday Sofia turned 8 weeks old.
She is smiling more and more...there is definitely a "window" when she is most happy and alert, usually first thing in the morning.
Daddy took these photos this morning. He has the magic touch getting her to smile. :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Mother's Day Present

Today my mother's day present arrived! It's a beautiful silver necklace with a heart-shaped charm with our three names engraved, plus a smaller round charm that says "family". I got it on a really cool website called
Thanks Nelson & Sofi!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Sofia's First (Real) Smile

Well she's been on the verge for about a week...and finally she gave us a real smile (as a reaction to something) She even gave a good giggle too! Daddy got her to do it this morning by tickling her chin. We managed to get her to do it several times and caught one of them on camera. Happy Baby!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sofia's First Swim

Today we went to the Grays to BBQ with them and the Elliotts and Sofia went for her first swim! The water was nice and warm, she actually slept a lot of the time. When she was awake she seemed to like it - she didn't cry or fuss at all. There was a corner of the pool that had a lot of shade so we mostly hung out there. She was styling too - check out the pics!

Mommy & Sofi take a dip
Sun protection is important!
Her first swim lesson - learning to float

Chillin' with GF

Are we boring you?

Little prune toes

Finally awake!

Back to sleep

Daddy loves to swim and can't wait to teach her more

Family pic (self portrait!)

Date Night #2

Last night we went on another date night - Papa Steve & Grammy Sue watched Sofia. We went to Maggiano's Little Italy with the Grays. I even enjoyed a glass of sangria!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Sofia is 7 weeks old today!

"I'm Seven Weeks Old!"

And what a healthy girl she is! According to our scale, she weighs about 13 pounds now. We are officially moving her into size 2 diapers tomorrow (never did have to buy any newborn or size 1's because we got so many at our baby showers!). We've long surpassed Newborn size clothes and most 0-3 months are made for babies up to 13 pounds or so, so very soon I am going to have to pull out all of the 3-6 months clothes out for her to start wearing.

Hangin' on to Daddy - she's got a grip!

This morning she spent some "tummy time" on Daddy's tummy and he took some self-portraits...:

Friday, May 22, 2009

Busy 2 Days

Sofia and I have had a busy two days!
Yesterday we went to our first "Mom's Club" at A Mother's Haven in Encino...there are 8 other babies and moms in the group, 5 boys and 4 girls including Sofia. The youngest is 5 weeks, oldest is 10 weeks, but the rest of the babies were all between 6 and 7 weeks like Sofi. We sang songs and talked about the transition to motherhood. Everyone was really nice. I remember all of the babies names because we sang to them (Cole, Jenna, Natalie, Parker, Luca, Max -- a girl! --, Griffin and Ben) but I barely remember any of the mom's names! Hopefully I will get to know them better over the next 9 weeks. After that I went to Sony to have lunch with Jenn, Karri and Aileen and pick up my bonus (woo hoo!) Yesterday afternoon the Ikedas stopped by with a gift for Sofi (thanks Conall and Cian!) and the boys got to see Sofi for the first time.
Today we went out to Palmdale to have lunch with Greggy & Auntie Marsha, then we went by Grandma Patti's work to visit. Then tonight we went to dinner with the Elliotts. An eventful two days for sure! Sofi and I are movers and shakers.
Sofi and her sun hat

"What's Up?" she says

Dustin and Patty play with Sofi

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Silverlake Visit

Today we went to Silverlake to visit with Abuelita, Tia Isabel and Tia Ani. They loved her chubby cheeks and thighs and took turns fawning over her! :) Tia Isabel made a good point - at her age she doesn't understand English or Spanish but she knows baby talk when she hears it.

The center of attention!
Daddy's Girl

She stuck out her tongue at us!

Just chillin

Sleepy time...time to go home!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Whatever works!

My two new favorite things that seem to settle Sofia down when she's fussy:

#1 Her Nature Swing - swings from side to side. We have been known to let her stay sleeping in it at night rather than risk waking her during transfer to the crib. Extra bonus - if she wakes up she is immediately rocked to sleep again! (Hey trust me at 4am you will try anything!)

#2 Baby Carrier - she was fussy today so I put it on and just walked around the house with her "on". She fell right asleep. She even seems content in it when awake. So strange that if I am holding her to my lap she may fuss or cry, but strapped to me she is more content? Huh?

View from looking down at her in the carrier

Self Portrait!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

When I was little...

My mom's friend Suzanne brought this picture with her to the memorial this was so cute I just had to post on the blog.

Mom & Me (many many years ago!)

Other Photos from this weekend to Share

Remembering Grandma

We also took time to pay tribute to Lala Bobbi, my great aunt from Hawaii, who just passed away
The boys checking out Sofia

Chunker cheeks!
Daddy wearing Sofi

Sofia loves her Auntie Holli (and its mutual!)

Boys will be Boys

Sorry Mom couldn't resist!

Grandma's Memorial

This weekend we drove up to Morro Bay (central California) to celebrate the life of my wonderful grandma, Eve. We took a boat out into the ocean and scattered her ashes and beautiful red roses petals. It was Sofi's first boat ride and she was really good, she slept the whole time while being "worn" by Nelson. We were also able to spend time on Friday and Saturday with friends and family who gathered to remember Grandma aka GG to the little ones. I will miss you grandma!!

Nelson, Sofi (in the baby carrier) and Heather

Kenny, Marcia and Suzanne

Natalie, Georgene & Linda

James, Brad and Holli

Ben, Savanna, Patti & Marsha
Pretty Miss Savanna
The kids and their mandatory life jackets

Grandma's ashes and petals at sea

Morro Rock

James said some lovely words