Sunday, May 3, 2009

Baby Burrito

Sofia has not been sleeping well these past couple of nights. But today, starting in the afternoon, she has pretty much been fussy all day which isn't really like her. Instead of her fussy cry, she's doing her I'm really unhappy/in pain cry (which is heartbreaking!) She has a bit of diaper rash so we're trying to change her often and keep her dry. I even bought some special diaper rash cream at the store. She also has some yellow goopy in her right eye. From what I've read online its probably a clogged tear duct. Babies don't really cry tears until about a month, and the discharge may be a sign that her tear duct didn't open up. We're trying massage. She may also be gassy - its so hard to tell when they are so little! You fix everything you can think of and they still cry, and then you start from square one again (feed, change, burp, massage, rock them, walk them, etc) Nelson is trying to put her to sleep now...we're not feeling too optimistic about our chances for sleep tonight!

Swaddled but wide awake!


  1. I swear by Boudreaux's Butt paste! It's the best stuff. Hope it gets better.

  2. Yeah, Aisha's right - the Butt paste is the best thing out there - Holli swears by it too! That stuff is amazing! xoxo Mom
