Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Our Little Green Girl

Sofi got a great outfit from another nice person at one of Nelson's stops...she looked adorable so of course I had to take some pics.

Today I had my postpartum check-up with the doctor and everything is great and I'm basically back to normal. (I do have to go back for a glucose test in a couple weeks to make sure that my gestational diabetes didn't turn into regular diabetes - I was fine when they checked me in the hospital but they want to be really sure) I've been cleared for all activites including the hot tub - woo hoo! This is good and bad, because now I have no excuse to start working out...wait I do have an excuse...I have a newborn :)

1 comment:

  1. Love this green outfit (and headband) on her! Glad you checked out ok, honey - I'm glad they're double-checking on the diabetes, but I'm sure that'll check out ok, since you were never that high to begin with!
