Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Smilin' Girl

I finally figured out how to get pictures from my cell phone to my computer. Here is one I took a few days ago. I have this saved as my wallpaper on my phone because its just so cute!
This is the second "Smiley" pic I've captured, but in truth she is not really smiling as a reaction to anything, in both cases she was kind of smiling in her sleep and kind of opened her eyes when I took the pictures. I am hoping that soon she will be smiling in reaction to us! :) I've heard that typically happens around 6 weeks old.
I have noticed just today and that she is starting to make noises that are different from her normal cries, grunts and squeaks. I think she is starting to try out her voice.
How fun that every day or so there is a new "first"!

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