Saturday, May 2, 2009

Sofia is 4 weeks old today!

Well we've had an interesting couple of days trying to put Sofia on some kind of a schedule. I read a book recommended by a co-worker called "Babywise" and the basic recommendations are:
1) Feed every 2 1/2 to 3 hours (I was feeding "on demand" which was about every 2 hours and it was really tiring! So I'm trying to get her to eat more at each feeding and spread them out longer)
2) Keeping the baby awake for a little while after each feeding (except nighttime feedings where she should go right back to sleep)
3) Letting the baby soothe herself/put herself to sleep. In other words put her in her crib at nap or bedtime awake and let her fall asleep. **This last one isn't happening just yet! She stills needs to be rocked to sleep. As she gets bigger we may let her cry a little bit more before we rush in but for now its just too hard!
Ultimately this book says that they will sleep through the night by 12 weeks old. Whether or not this is realistic, I don't know, but I do like having some kind of structure to my day. Its easier to plan things knowing ahead of time when she will be eating and when she will be napping.
Night time is still rough though. Thank goodness its the weekend and Nelson is home so we can take turns!

Sofia Today - 4 weeks

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this little outfit - she's such a doll!

    xo Mom
