Friday, May 22, 2009

Busy 2 Days

Sofia and I have had a busy two days!
Yesterday we went to our first "Mom's Club" at A Mother's Haven in Encino...there are 8 other babies and moms in the group, 5 boys and 4 girls including Sofia. The youngest is 5 weeks, oldest is 10 weeks, but the rest of the babies were all between 6 and 7 weeks like Sofi. We sang songs and talked about the transition to motherhood. Everyone was really nice. I remember all of the babies names because we sang to them (Cole, Jenna, Natalie, Parker, Luca, Max -- a girl! --, Griffin and Ben) but I barely remember any of the mom's names! Hopefully I will get to know them better over the next 9 weeks. After that I went to Sony to have lunch with Jenn, Karri and Aileen and pick up my bonus (woo hoo!) Yesterday afternoon the Ikedas stopped by with a gift for Sofi (thanks Conall and Cian!) and the boys got to see Sofi for the first time.
Today we went out to Palmdale to have lunch with Greggy & Auntie Marsha, then we went by Grandma Patti's work to visit. Then tonight we went to dinner with the Elliotts. An eventful two days for sure! Sofi and I are movers and shakers.
Sofi and her sun hat

"What's Up?" she says

Dustin and Patty play with Sofi

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